File Categories

Rovaniemi (EFRO) 2021 for MSFS2020

Rovaniemi city and airport model for MSFS

Published: 2021-09-24
Downloads: 627

Finland EcoRegions V2.3

This scenery modifies the boreal forests of Finland. The forests are divided in Conifer, deciduous and mixed forests as in Corine Land Cover data.

Published: 2021-09-24
Downloads: 919
Tags: MSFS2020, Landscape, ** Scenery **

Flight Obstacles Finland v 1.3

This addon adds every flight obstacle in Finland mentioned in AIS documents, except windmills.
Flight obstacles included are masts, cranes and chimneys.
Also few custom obstacles are included, check readme.pdf for more

This version is updated to work correctly in World Update 5 (Nordics)

** Remove earlier version before updating to version 1.3 **
Changelog in readme.pdf


Published: 2021-06-22
Downloads: 2969
Tags: MSFS2020, Object, ** Scenery **

Lake fix Finland v.2.1

This addon fixes elevation of lakes in Finland.

Elevation model used is from National Land Survey of Finland / Elevation model 10 m

Also uploaded to

Published: 2020-11-30
Downloads: 937
Tags: MSFS2020, Landscape, ** Scenery **

Finnish VFR reporting points 22.4.2021

Suomen VFR-ilmoittautumispisteet Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:lle. Uusi versio 22.4.2021.
Finland's VFR reporting points for MSFS 2020. New version 2021-04-22

Kiitokset @bLindye avusta!
Thanks to @bLindye for your help!

Poista vanha versio. Kopioi tämän zip-tiedoston sisällä oleva vfr-waypoints-finland-2021-04-22 -kansio FS2020:n Community-kansioon.

Remove the old version. Unzip and copy the vfr-waypoints-finland-2021-04.22 folder to your Community folder.

NOTE! There is a version for LNM here!

Published: 2020-10-29
Downloads: 1019
Tags: MSFS2020, ** Scenery **

Tuulikki Vampula EFVP for MS2020

Vampula airport that is missing from the simulator. Full apron and runway, has (unofficial) runway lighting. Default objects so far due to missing reference and texture photos.

Published: 2020-10-28
Downloads: 649
Tags: MSFS2020, Airport, ** Scenery **

Wredeby (EFWB) v0.5 for MSFS2020

Wredeby airfield in south eastern Finland. It has a grass runway, and a nice smooth rock by the river where you can relax in a perfect summer day.

Updated version has a simple 3D hangar and a water docking spot (try with the Icon A5!)


Published: 2020-10-24
Downloads: 704
Tags: MSFS2020, ** Scenery **

Kilpisjärvi Water Airport (fictional)

Kilpisjärvi is a small village in Enontekiö on the top of Finland's "arm" . This is an fictional water airport located at Lake Kilpisjärvi.

Published: 2020-10-06
Downloads: 499
Tags: MSFS2020, Airport, ** Scenery **