
Finnish VFR reporting points for LNM 22.4.2021

VFR Reporting Points for Finland, version 2021-04-22 for Little NavMap.

The MSFS2020 version is here.

Published: 2021-04-21
Downloads: 240

Finnish VFR reporting points 22.4.2021

Suomen VFR-ilmoittautumispisteet Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:lle. Uusi versio 22.4.2021.
Finland's VFR reporting points for MSFS 2020. New version 2021-04-22

Kiitokset @bLindye avusta!
Thanks to @bLindye for your help!

Poista vanha versio. Kopioi tämän zip-tiedoston sisällä oleva vfr-waypoints-finland-2021-04-22 -kansio FS2020:n Community-kansioon.

Remove the old version. Unzip and copy the vfr-waypoints-finland-2021-04.22 folder to your Community folder.

NOTE! There is a version for LNM here!

Published: 2020-10-29
Downloads: 1021
Tags: MSFS2020, ** Scenery **