If you wish to upload any file to FS Nordic's file library, please read the following rules carefully. They are made to make the library management easier for our staff members.

Please, note that we may not be able to accept the uploaded file to our library, if these instructions have not been followed.

General guidelines for ALL uploads

Only logged-in users can upload files. A user ID can be obtained by registering using the "Create an account" on the File Upload page Log-in form.

We accept only free files, meaning freeware, public domain etc. Shareware or commercial files are not approved.

File must be your own work. If it has been made by someone else, you are not allowed to claim the file as your own. If you have made modifications to the file, make sure you have the permission from the original author - also remember to credit the original author(s).

We do not accept fictious aircraft, or virtual airline aircraft repaints.

As we are a regional website, please upload only airlines and scenries from Finland.

Upload methods

You can only upload files to the file library by using your web browser and the form provided on these pages.The form requires all fields to be filled in and both files to be uploaded. The maximum file size for the zip file is 256 Mb. If your file is bigger, then please contact the administrators.

What files must be uploaded?

The main package itself.

  • This file must be in ZIP format.
  • Make sure that you have tested that the package works and all files are included.
  • Do not use spaces or any other special characters in the filename.
  • Make sure that the filename describes the package. A good filename is for example B777klm_fs04.zip, NOT aircraft.zip.

Image of the add-on.

  • Make sure that the base filename of the image matches the main package: If you upload B777klm_fs04.zip, image name MUST be B777klm_fs04.jpg.
  • This file must be in JPG format.
  • Please resize the image to correct size. Width of the image must be 320-640 pixels. Height according to the dimensions of the image, but preferrably in aspect ratio 16:9 (eg. 320x180 or 640x360). The image must be in landscape format (16:9, NOT 9:16).

Required fields

On the form you have to fill in all fields. Select the category for the files and tick all applicable tags (flight simulator version, type of file etc.). Write a short, descriptive text about your file's content (max. 400 characters). Write the name of the author(s) (your name or all names if the file has be co-authored by several people).

Updates to existing packages

Updates can not be associated with the original file, but will be separate entries. When uploading an update, please use the same header as in the original file and clearly state that it is an update and to which package in the description!

Contact us for more support

If you have problems uploading the files, make sure you have first read all the instructions from this page. If you are unable to resolve the problem, please contact our file library managers.

If your file is bigger than the maximum allowed size, then please contact our file library managers.


File Library - Terms of Service

FS Nordic reserves the right to select the files it places under public download to its website / file library. A file uploaded to the file library is screened by the library staff and if it is deemed suitable, it will be placed to the public library. Files uploaded to FS Nordic's file library will remain the property of the author(s). When uploading a file to the library, author grants FS Nordic a non-exclusive and worldwide license to electronically display/disrtibute the contents of the file(s) to visitors of FS Nordic via FS Nordic's own website.

To protect the server and bandwidth FS Nordic has made efforts to protect the file library from unauthorized hotlinking of files and images from other web servers. If authors wish to use FS Nordic's file library as a public distribution place for their add-ons, they are not allowed to link directly to the files located at the file library - unless otherwise agreed. All links should be placed only to front page (www.fsnordic.net) of our website.

FS Nordic cannot be held responsible if any specified file is not added to the library, or is later on removed from the library, or is otherwise unavailable for downloads for any specified period of time.